Saturday, August 22, 2020

Creative writing about George and Lennie Essay

Lurching through the wet grass the two came wildly running, looking behind them at each couple of steps, breathing hard, upsetting the green grass and disturbing the amicability of the feathered creatures sitting in trees twittering and whistling the last melodies of the day, while hounds woofed and individuals yelled a long ways behind them. A voice could be heard yelling over the group â€Å"They’re set out toward the fields, com’on! † George protested, breathing hysterically â€Å"Damnit!†¦ com’on you insane jerk, they close got us! † â€Å"I’m attempting George, I swear yet I’s tired† Lennie wheezed. The two were passing fields, when they went to a water system dump, George considered it and he pulled lennie into the jettison with him. â€Å"Get your head down! † George yelled yet lennie didn’t do a thing, George irritated, pushed him under the dinky water, they could hear the yells drawing nearer and the pooches snarling. A man said â€Å"Where the hellfire did they get to? † another near him said â€Å"The dog’s ave lost the aroma they musta went through that dump and off into the forested areas, no chance we could get them now† â€Å"Damn†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ alright everybody back to the town for a head tally then we would all be able to return home, its getting late† With these words saw George give a murmur of alleviation as he delicately surfaced carrying lennie with him, George taking his cap started to wring out the water, lennie replicating his developments did likewise, George set his wrinkle and advanced discreetly up the bank of the dump, peering over the edge he watched burn light and man gradually vanish toward weed under the setting sun, he turned around to lennie, â€Å"Now why the hellfire did you contact that ladies dress? Com’on you better have a decent reason or I’ll clobber ya! † Lennie was whining like a frightful doggy â€Å"Honest George I dint mean no off-base, I jus needed to feel her dress† George shouted â€Å"why? Lennie? Gee? What so great about that dress? † lennie cringed in his coat his shoulders covering his cheeks â€Å"It was so purty George, it was red shaded and delicate as a hare, you know how I prefers bunnies George† Seeing the sparkle in his face when he said it made George quiet down, he recollect who lennie was, he settled down do a grin â€Å"Ya huge lummox, one day your going to get us some genuine difficulty, yet you’re my obligation so we gotta stick close† lennie restored an apathetic smile still somewhat frigtenened â€Å"Ok George† George got up to glance around again, he recognized an old horse shelter not a long way from the discard they were in. â€Å"Right com’on now we get us some shut-eye at that point attempt to get us some work, some place† Lennie’s face lit up recollecting what this all lead up to â€Å"An I get the chance to tend the bunnies George! Huh? Huh? † â€Å"Yeah, no doubt yet we gotta get us a stake first† George answered George and lennie had settled down in the old horse shelter, its dividers were white with paint stripping, the rooftop was held up by 3 pillars over the top and toward the ground, the breezes outside made the outbuilding squeak shockingly and lennie was experiencing difficulty dozing, the ground was dissipated with straw and the main thing in the stable was a few sacks, apparatuses and a work seat, it was less an animal dwellingplace than a shed. â€Å"George? George you sleeping † â€Å"What? † â€Å"George cant you do somethin’ about the breeze? † â€Å"No, presently rest, need to get up early tomorra'† George said still half snoozing â€Å"Sorry George† lennie stated, in the end the morning came. â€Å"lennie! Lennie! Wake up! Com’on we going to miss the damn transport! † â€Å"ok George, ok† lennie said as he stuffed his bindle and arranged himself, and rushed off with George They had gotten to the stop in the nick of time, they paid their passage, and were en route to get some work at.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Jacob Marley Essay Example for Free

Jacob Marley Essay This year the Citizens Theater, which is an expert theater, played out the notable emulate Scrooge. I have been to the Citizens Theater commonly past to seeing Scrooge. The Citizens Theater is globally perceived auditorium with a proscenium curve stage and shows a wide range of plays, some conventional and some contemporary. As a youngster I was constantly stunned by the set and ensembles utilized in the Citzs emulates, it seamed that no corners were cut. So in light of this I anticipated, less of a panto, yet to a greater extent a dramatic presentation with extraordinary visuals and I would state I was right to state this. I am genuinely acquainted with the emulate Scrooge adjusted from the Charles Dickens book A Christmas Carol as I have seen it in different performance centers before this year at the Citz. The Citzs, I thought was perhaps not as conventional as different forms however it was similarly, if not more in this way, engaging. I went to the emulate twice while it was on, first with my friends and afterward with little youngsters. IT was exceptionally fascinating to perceive how the two of them responded. The Story of Scrooge is about a man called Ebenezer Scrooge, an affluent businessperson brimming with insatiability checking each penny entering and separating his pocket. On Christmas Eve he is visited by the phantom of his expired colleague Jacob Marley, who has come to caution Scrooge of what anticipates him on the off chance that he continues with his eagerness. That night Scrooge is to be visited by the three apparitions of Christmas past, present and future. Right off the bat the apparition of Christmas past comes to show him of the upbeat occasions before his self-delivered dejection brought about by his ravenousness, as a kid and as a youngster. At that point the apparition Christmas present shows Scrooge the Cratchit family. The Cratchit family is exceptionally poor and comprises of Bob Cratchit, Scrooges representative, his better half and their four kids including their child Tiny Tim who is very sick. Penny pincher is compelled to understand that all the individuals around his fine it hard to commend him. The apparition of Christmas future tells tightwad only shows him of his demise troubling all the individuals around him with the ravenousness he deserted as they praise his passing. Seeing this dreadful future that he himself could be making, Scrooge chooses to improve, remunerating laborers with a compensation rise and offering cash to good cause he had recently changed and giving a rich Christmas banquet to the Cratchit family. The nature of the set was astounding as it was extremely terrific and the size of the stage implied that the set could be very huge without being pompous. All around the stage is painted Scrooges most loved expression Bah Humbug in italic composition. From the start there was only an office set up with a window through which you could see all the Characters entering the scene, I imagined this made the activity progressively sensible and was very intriguing. The window was likewise utilized for ditty vocalists and the crowd could just faintly hear then which caused it to feel like you were quite the workplace. At the point when Scrooge returns home the workplace divider is raised to uncover an entirely different set which is considerably progressively fantastic. A lot of stone steps pave the way to Scrooges room, sumptuously beautified contrasted with his office that is on a 15 foot tall stage. The most energizing piece of the set was when Christmas present shows up with his set, a totally different room painted red into which he is disguised, simply moving on moving Scrooges room away. This room is enlivened with loads of Christmas enhancements. The one prop utilized by Scrooge a ton was a light which demonstrated how hesitant he was on the grounds that he would evacuate it with such consideration at whatever point leaving the room. Clearly the principle character in the play was Ebenezer tightwad. He was an old, narrow minded, grouchy, unpleasant elderly person. We could tell this by his outward appearances that were in every case extremely wound. Albeit wearing a suite his long scraggly hair and rough looking face demonstrated that he wasnt such worried about his appearance. This rough look showed his age just as his development which was slouched over and moderate. Toward the end anyway we see an altogether different penny pincher that stands up tall with his head noticeable all around to show his certainty has been picked up and he is glad for his changes. I think this couldve been appeared by making a more noteworthy difference as I didnt might suspect the adjustment in Scrooge was exceptionally sensational. Toward the finish of the play we are made mindful that Scrooge cares about the individuals around him. He may have acknowledged in a narrow minded way, yet he changed before it was past the point of no return which is the thing that issues, leaving us with a fantasy finishing. I think one about the most emotional characters in the play must have been Jacob Marley, Scrooges perished colleague. He shows up from the floor when Scrooges light unexpectedly removes. His ensemble is stunning with a demise outfit destroyed with blood spread across it to imply that he is dead and has been tormented for his wicked life. Albeit amazing, Jacob Marleys entrance was very disturbing and more youthful youngsters discovered it very alarming, particularly alongside the chains on his wrists and lower legs going about as the chains restricting him to hellfire. Analyzed the quietness of the room previously, this gigantic blast of clamor is extremely viable. He comes to caution penny pincher and is edgy to get the message to him, we can tell this by the manner by which he endeavors to draw nearer to him yet the chains stop him, there is likewise wind blowing against him halting him reaching Scrooge.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Daylight Robbery or 5 Free Websites You Pay Cash for in a Cheap Paper Writing Agency

It is normal if you hesitate about the price for the quality of the paper. After all, you may find out the proposal for a cheap paper, or a cheap paper writing service, etc. But, where is the pitfall? Are these services as good as they tell? However, there are lots of traps we must look out for, while examining these services. In particular, there can be a big risk of hiring cheap writing services. In this article we are going to discuss one of the most important things – what you pay for. In many cases, students face such an issue that their papers are fully plagiarized. In this article we are going to list some free sources that writers usually use to copy and paste the information for your paper. 1. Wikipedia Everyone knows that while Wikipedia is a great place to start writing an assignment, it should not be referenced in a quality scholarly paper. However, it is important to note that this site is considered to be very reputable in terms of the veracity of the information it consists. It is an online encyclopaedia for the modern age. However, most writers just copy and paste the information from it, and you pay cash for such an action. Isn’t it better to do the same thing on your own and save some money? 2. WikiHow This site is more practical. It provides you with some tips and ways on how things work. It operates very similarly to Wikipedia. It can be a great starting point, but should not be referenced in the scholarly piece. 3. EHow Similarly to WikiHow, EHow is a practical site explaining the ins and outs on how different things work in the world.   It tends to sometimes take more how to’s approaches, and is always updated. Again, this is not a site that is considered to be scholarly, and therefore, is inappropriate to use in your thesis. There are a lot of alternatives to these popular sites. Here are just a few more ideas where free information can come from (or be copied and pasted). 4. Scholarpedia Whilst this site looks very much like Wikipedia, it’s quite different because it is written by scholars only. Experts have to be invited to contribute, before being assigned. All updates undergo reviewing, before being posted. This means that vandalism is not an issue and accuracy is carefully checked. It’s a great site to refer to, and moreover, the information is free. 5. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy This website is one that you can effectively reference. It is highly reputable, and offers up explanations to help you dissect theoretical or philosophical topics. This is a great resource to find quality information for the writing pieces. As you can see, there are lots of websites that you can refer to for free. The most important thing is not to pay money for the copied and pasted information from these sources. Make sure that the writing service that you are going to hire will provide you with the unique content, so that you are sure that you haven’t wasted your money for plagiarising the information from the free sources.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Research On Genetic Engineering - 1111 Words

Genetic Engineering in Humans Andrew Pickard English 122, Semester 1 Mrs. D. Seymour December 19, 2014 Genetic Engineering in Humans I. Insecurity and Disappointments A. Identity Crisis B. The Injury C. Elite Development Program / Re-injury II. Royal Canadian Leadership Camp A. Application B. Black Sheep C. Inspiring Words III. Volunteer Experiences / Inspiring Events A. Steve Nash Youth Basketball B. We Day C. Literacy Mentor Pickard 1 Andrew Pickard Mrs. D. Seymour English 122 19 December 2014 Genetic Engineering in Humans For thousands of years, humanity has selectively bred plants and animals to produce the most favourable results from the fruitful species around us. It has only been a very recent event in our history, however, that we have invented a systematic procedure to ensure the best results in these species. This procedure is called genetic engineering, and has sparked multiple debates among both academics and the public about the ethics behind controlling the outcome of a species. Among all the altercation regarding this relatively new technology, no other topic has brought about more controversy than the use of genetic engineering in humans. Proponents of genetic engineering envision a future where disease, crime, suffering, and infertility have been eliminated - replaced by an enhanced human race better suited to our environment. Opponents fear a nightmarish world where biodiversity and the human genome have been corrupted throughShow MoreRelatedA Research On Genetic Engineering2006 Words   |  9 PagesMichael Hrisstov 11/1/2014 Research Paper Genetic Engineering 1. Introduction Ever wish you could eat pizza and have the same nutrients as fruits or vegetables? Food is something that affects every person on this planet, in more ways than we think. Recent discoveries show that we may be able to eat that slice of pizza and maintain our health. A concept known as genetic engineering has the ability to make foods taste better, increase their nutritional value, and even help solve some of the deadliestRead MoreA Research On Genetic Engineering2106 Words   |  9 PagesGenetic Engineering Genetic engineering is the set of techniques used to manipulate and modify the genetic material of living beings that have been the key to the rapid development of modern biotechnology. Recombination mechanisms provide a limited genetic exchange. Mankind has spent his life correcting the habits of nature to make it to his liking, so that it would be more helpful; Mankind has transformed plants to make them more useful for their crops, has domesticated animals so that theyRead MoreGenetic Engineering Research Paper1341 Words   |  6 PagesI. Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the past three decades, scientists have learned how to mix and match characteristics among unrelated creatures by moving genes from one creature to another. This is called â€Å"genetic engineering.† Genetic Engineering is prematurely applied to food production. There are estimates that food output must increase by 60 percent over the next 25 years to keep up with demand. Thus, the result of scientist genetically altering plants for more consumption. The two most common methodsRead MoreA Research On Genetic Engineering1407 Words   |  6 PagesGenetic Engineering is all about genes, which are made of DNA; the chemical inside the nucleus of a cell that carries the genetic instructions for making living organisms. It is a very broad term that covers a range of techniques that allow for the artificial addition, deletion or rearrangement of sequences of bases in DNA in order to alter the observable form and function of an organism. (Science Group, 2014). G enetic Engineering was first discovered in the 1970s when scientist discovered how toRead MoreGenetic Engineering Research Paper1584 Words   |  7 PagesGenetic engineering Explain how this technology works. Genetic engineering otherwise called genetic modification and can basically be described as the ‘direct manipulation of an organism’s genome’ which is the complete set of genetic material of an animal, plant or other living thing. This direct manipulation works by using modern DNA technology. This ‘involves the introduction of foreign DNA also known as synthetic genes into the organism of interest’ or curiousity. Genetic engineering does notRead MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering1042 Words   |  5 PagesGenetic engineering is using molecular biology methods to modify the genetic information of an organism. Its aims include learning about the biology of an organism and generating new or improved commercial products. Plant biotechnology is manipulating plants specifically to improve agricultural needs. GMOs or genetically modified organisms are organisms modified by genetic engineering to express desirable traits. DNA fragments containing said desirable traits and a means of introducing the DNA toRead MoreGenetic Engineering : The Field Of Biomedical Research1710 Words   |  7 PagesGenetic engineering is the latest experimental practice used in the world of biomedical research. This practice refers to humans modifying an animals’ genetic component in order to express a particular trait (Dale et al). The scientific community calls the animals produced by this practice as tra nsgenic animals in order to distinguish between its wild type relative. This innovative technology paved ways for medical breakthroughs, along with the expansion of human understanding towards the mechanismsRead MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering1735 Words   |  7 Pages Genetic Engineering is a fairly new science field that is used to change the genes that can be located inside of a cell, but it brings many problems along with it. Genes give an individual or species a certain set of traits that can determine its appearance on the inside and outside. The genes can be moved between same or even different types of species. This can completely change an organism’s looks or even allow the scientists to create a whole new type of animal. The animal would then beRead MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering Essay1403 Words   |  6 PagesGenetic engineering is a straight use of an organism s genome by the use of biotechnology. New DNA may be inserted into the hos t genome by first and copying the genetic material of interest by the use molecular emulating methods to create a DNA order, or by producing the DNA, and then injecting this concept into the host organism. I think in the future 50 years, the use of hormones can enable the production of higher quality carcasses, and increases the rate of muscle development (Bruce, D., BruceRead MoreAre Studies in Genetic Engineering and Stem Cell Research Beneficial?1637 Words   |  7 Pagesof advancements have been made from things such as medicine to something basic as a cell phone. One of the most unacknowledged yet productive methods that has become a possibility and surpasses our expectations is the process of genetic engineering and stem cell research. These studies have proven to be a beneficial part to the way people could live and how they could approach life-threatening diseases. When similar studies are first discussed and publicized they appear to not only be impossible

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Community Nurse Role in Contemporary Health Care Systems

Questions: Description of the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence).? Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.? Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. (The textbook describes each element of the epidemiologic triangle).? Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collecting, data analysis, and follow-up).? Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organization(s) contributes to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.? Answers: Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the dangerous communicable diseases that can be transferred from one individual to other and makes people sick. The communicable diseases are caused by pathogens, which enter into the human system and release toxins (Dyer, 2010). This causes damage to the normal human cells and obstruct their functional capacity. In severe conditions, these diseases may cause death. In case of tuberculosis, the infectious agents float in the air and transmitted into the human system through the respiratory tract. Therefore, the mode of transmission is termed as air-borne transmission. According to the CDC, almost 9,582cases were documented in the US, in 2013. 536deaths were reported in 2011 (, 2015). The causative agent of tuberculosis is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a small nonmotile, aerobic bacillus. High lipid content of Mycobacterium explains unique medical characteristics. TB particularly affects the lungs, but can also attack other organs of the human sy stem. If an affected individual sneezes or coughs, the disease transmits through air. The immune system builds up complicated reaction to Mycobacterium and sometimes become successful in preventing their spread. TNF and IFN-gamma are the two types of cytokines, secreted in response to the Mycobacterium.TNF enhances mycobactericidal and phagocytic activities of macrophages, whereas, IFN-gamma develops the production of hydrogen peroxide by macrophages. From various analysis it is founded that tuberculosis pleuritis affected individuals generally recover without any therapy and TNF and IFN-gamma concentrations are 5-30times higher in their blood concentrations (da Silva, Von Groll, Martin Palomino, 2011). Symptoms include constant cough with sputum, chest pain. Individuals may cough up blood. In chronic condition extensive scarring of the lungs is also common. The upper lobes get frequently affected by TB than the lower lobes probably due to poor drainage of lymph in these areas or t o better airflow (Provenzano, 2005). The suggested treatment of TB is administration of combine dosages of antibiotics that include isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide for initial two months and then isoniazid and rifampicin for last four months. Description of determinants of health and contributing factors to the development of TB The direct and indirect determinants of health are the population, economy, biological, social and behavioral risk issues, TB control intensity and health services. Determining health determinants are of utmost important as it reinforce or generate social satisfaction within the society. Social satisfaction causes an uneven distribution of the health determinants, comprising mental circumstances and living conditions along with biological and behavioral risk factors. The fundamental structural determinants include inequalities in global socioeconomic condition, elevated population mobility, population growth and rapid urbanization. These situations cause asymmetrical distributions of basic social determinants of tuberculosis, comprising malnutrition, food insecurity, environmental conditions, poor housing, geographic, financial conditions and cultural obstructions to attainment of healthcare (Okuonghae Omosigho, 2010). Sequentially, the distribution of TB population reveals the dist ribution of the social determinants that influence four steps of the disease pathogenesis: infection exposure, disease progression, inappropriate or late analysis, and treatment, poor adherence to success and adherence. These determinants are the basic factors for Tuberculosis. For instance: overcrowding workplaces, communities, homes and poor ventilation increase the chance of healthy individuals being exposed to this infection. Malnutrition, hunger and poverty increase the vulnerability to disease, infection and acuteness of clinical consequence. Affected individual with constant cough face major economic and social barriers, which setback their accessibility with healthcare systems where proper diagnosis could be made (McNutt, 2010). This includes transportation difficulties to healthcare facilities, panic of stigmatization if these individuals seek TB diagnosis and inadequacy of societal support to search for care while they fall ill. Discussion of the epidemiologic triangle The epidemiologic triangle is said to be a scientific model that is developed for analyzing health problems. It helps to understand communicable diseases and their mode of communication. The basic three factors of this model include agent, host and environment. Agent means the pathogen that gives rise to the disease (Quinn Samet, 2010). Host harbors the disease and environment allows the disease to transmit from one individual to another. The agent; what? Bacteria- these organisms are made up of single cells. They have the mechanisms to self-replicate themselves. They are bigger than viruses, but very tiny to be detected with the naked eyes. These cells are filled with intracellular fluid and sometimes have strand-like structures for their easy movement. The host; who? Human- humans are exposed to this disease and harbor Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Humans get sick due to the attack by the agents. The agents take accommodation from the host. Thus, show illness associated symptoms. Different hosts have different symptoms to the same agent. Suppose, an individual affected with tuberculosis may produce blood mixed cough and sputum and other may not. The environment; where? The environment is said to be the preferable conditions and surroundings external to the host, which allow the illness to be transferred. Some agents exist best in human blood, some in water. In case of tuberculosis, the preferable environment for disease transmission is air. Sometimes, environment factors also include seasons; for example: in the United States, the peak season for flu is between the months of November to March. The role of the community health nurse The community health nurses should be careful enough about the high-risk individuals, who are health care providers, HIV affected individuals, homeless individuals, prisoners and underprivileged minorities. The community health nurses should have a sound knowledge about current treatments and be capable of recognizing indications of drug-resistance in clients (Brookes, Davidson, Daly Halcomb, 2007). Additionally community nurses should participate actively and educate general people and practitioners about careful application of antibacterial drugs to diminish the occurrence of drug-resistance. In case of frequent disease occurrence the community health nurses should involve themselves in case finding, documenting, data collection, analysis and follow-up. They should interview infected individuals, which will help them to identify the people who are at risk. They should visit homes to monitor individuals, who are under treatment and guarantee treatment adherence. They may take part in epidemiological assessments of disease outbreaks of identified illnesses. Controlling TB is not only the sole accountability of the healthcare workers. It is also the responsibility of individuals to eliminate the spread of this dangerous disease. Richter and Peu (2004) supported this view and stated that care providers can assist increase community awareness regarding their right to obtain TB care (Richter Peu, 2004). The community health nurses should make individual aware about DOTS therapy and evaluate environmental situations to understand if the demands of the communities are being met. One national agency that addresses the communicable disease chosen contributions to reducing the impact of TB The National Tuberculosis Controllers Association was established in the year 1995 and brought together the heads of TB control programs form all the states and countries, also from many cities and countries health departments, which organize TB control programs by them (, 2015). Its vision is to free the world from tuberculosis and mission is to protect the health of the public by developing the eradication of TB in the US through related action of local, state and territorial agendas. It aims to provide and develop collective voice for the tuberculosis controllers to promote; advance TB control and abolition activities in the US. It aims to counsel agencies, task forces, committees and organizations on problems and related actions impacting on TB control and abolition at territorial, local and state levels. It also aims to support organizations and agencies for the advancement of TB control program and for elimination of this disease at local and state levels. It a lso aims to advocate for policies, positions, laws and advancement of TB control and elimination at territorial, local and state levels. References Brookes, K., Davidson, P., Daly, J., Halcomb, E. (2007). Role theory: A framework to investigate the community nurse role in contemporary health care systems.Contemporary Nurse,25(1-2), 146-155. doi:10.5172/conu.2007.25.1-2.146,. (2015).CDC - Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2013 - TB. Retrieved 8 July 2015, from da Silva, P., Von Groll, A., Martin, A., Palomino, J. (2011). Efflux as a mechanism for drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.FEMS Immunology Medical Microbiology,63(1), 1-9. doi:10.1111/j.1574-695x.2011.00831.x Dyer, C. (2010).Tuberculosis. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood. McNutt, J. (2010). Is Social Work Advocacy Worth the Cost? Issues and Barriers to an Economic Analysis of Social Work Political Practice.Research On Social Work Practice,21(4), 397-403. doi:10.1177/1049731510386624 Okuonghae, D., Omosigho, S. (2010). Determinants of TB Case Detection in Nigeria: A Survey.Global Journal Of Health Science,2(2). doi:10.5539/gjhs.v2n2p123 Provenzano, G. (2005). TB screening and anti-TNF treatment.Thorax,60(7), 613-613. doi:10.1136/thx.2005.042457 Quinn, T., Samet, J. (2010). Epidemiologic Approaches to Global Health.Epidemiologic Reviews,32(1), 1-4. doi:10.1093/epirev/mxq007 Richter, M., Peu, D. (2004). The educational and supportive needs of informal caregivers working at Refentse Clinic, Hammanskraal.Curationis,27(1). doi:10.4102/curationis.v27i1.951,. (2015).NTCA | National Tuberculosis Controllers Association. Retrieved 8 July 2015, from

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Dead Sea Scrolls Essays - Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran, Essenes

The Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea Scrolls are documents of great historical and scholarly value, found in 1947 and later in caves above the North West Dead Sea. Archaeologists have shown that the scrolls stored in jars in the first cave at QUMRAN were written or copied between the 1st century B.C. and the first half of the 1st century A.D. Chief among the scrolls are two copies of the Book of Isaiah, almost 1,000 years older than any Hebrew biblical manuscript previously known. Another important scroll was the so-called Manual of Discipline for an ascetic community, which has been identified with both the ruins at nearby QUMRAN and the Essenes, a Jewish religious sect living an ascetic communal agricultural life in that region between the 2nd century B.C. and 2nd century A.D. Parallels between the Qumran scrolls and the New Testament have led some scholars to suggest a tie between the Essenes and the early Christians, including the much-disputed suggestion that Jesus and John the Baptist may have The Dead been Essenes. More recent work by other archaeologists and biblical scholars has questioned the association of the scrolls with the Qumran ruins and the Essenes. Here are some facts about the the Dea Sea Scrolls:The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in eleven caves along the northwest shore of the Dead Sea between the years 1947 and 1956. The area is 13 miles east of Jerusalem and is 1300 feet below sea level. The mostly fragmented texts are numbered according to the cave that they came out of. They have been called the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times. Only Caves 1 and 11 have produced relatively intact manuscripts. Discovered in 1952, Cave 4 produced the largest find. About 15,000 fragments from more than 500 manuscripts were found. In all, scholars have identified the remains of about 825 to 870 separate scrolls.The Scrolls can be divided into two categories - biblical and non-biblical. Fragments of every book of the Hebrew canon (Old Testament) have been discovered except for the book of Esther. There are now identified among the scrolls, 19 copies of the Book of Isaiah, 25 copies of Deuteronomy and 30 copies of the Psalms . Prophecies by Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Daniel not found in the Bible are written in the Scrolls.The Isaiah Scroll, found relatively intact, is 1000 years older than any previously known copy of Isaiah. In fact, the scrolls are the oldest group of Old Testament manuscripts ever found. In the Scrolls are found never before seen psalms attributed to King David and Joshua.There are no biblical writings along the order of commentaries on the OT, paraphrases that expand on the Law, rulebooks of the community, war conduct, thanksgiving psalms, hymnic compositions, benedictions, liturgical texts, and septennial (wisdom) writings. The Scrolls are for the most part, written in Hebrew, but there are many written in Aramaic. Aramaic was the common language of the Jews of Palestine for the last two centuries B.C. and of the first two centuries A.D. The discovery of the Scrolls has greatly enhanced our knowledge of these two languages. In addition, there are a few texts written in Greek. The Scrolls appear to be the library of a Jewish sect. The library was hidden away in caves around the outbreak of the First Jewish Revolt (A.D. 66-70) as the Roman army advanced against the rebel Jews. Near the caves are the ancient ruins of Qumran. They were excavated in the early 1950's and appear to be connected with the scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls were most likely written by the Essenes during the period from about 200 B.C. to 68 C.E./A.D. The Essenes are mentioned by Josephus and in a few other sources, but not in the New Testament. The Essenes were a strict Torah observant, Messianic, apocalyptic, Baptist, wilderness, new covenant Jewish sect. A priest they called the "Teacher of Righteousness," who was opposed and possibly killed by the establishment priesthood in Jerusalem, led them. The enemies of the Qumran community were called the "Sons of Darkness"; they called themselves the "Sons of Light,""the poor," and members of "the Way." They thought of themselves as "the holy ones," who lived in "the house of holiness," because "the Holy Spirit" dwelt with them. The last words of Joseph, Judah, Levi, Naphtali, and Amram (the father of Moses) are written down in the Scrolls. One of the most curious scrolls is the Copper Scroll. Discovered in Cave 3, this scroll records a list of 64 underground hiding places throughout the land of Israel. The deposits are

Saturday, March 14, 2020

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift and Animal Farm by George Orwell Essays

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift and Animal Farm by George Orwell Essays A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift and Animal Farm by George Orwell Paper A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift and Animal Farm by George Orwell Paper Essay Topic: A Modest Proposal and Other Stories Animal Dreams Animal Farm George orwell Literature Animal Farm is based on the Russian Revolution in the early Nineteenth Century. George Orwell wanted to get across to people what around the world that Russia was hiding the truth from the rest of the world and he wanted to reveal the truth! Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift is based on the late 18th Century, when English landlords ruled Ireland. They wanted an extortionate amount of Money from the poor people of Ireland who lived on the their land. Jonathan Swift wants to change all this by making up a proposal which will make everyone think about what they were doing! In this Essay I will be talking about the purpose of Satire and the Language the authors use to get their views across. George Orwell produced the story of Animal Farm to tell the world what was really happening in Russia after the Revolution, but instead of using the real people who were involved, in this book he uses animals and humans to get his point across. In this story you can work out who the animals are supposed to represent by the similarities with the people in Russia. Old Major Prize White Boar (ancient pig) who dies just before the rebellion (revolution), is considered, like Starx a powerful helper who helped Lenin (a Russian leader who died before the Russian Revolution). Lenin the Russian Communist and Bolsheviks seized power from Tsar and set up a Dictatorship of the Proletariat. It represented a new and free world for the ordinary people just as the animals had expelled Mr. Jones in Animal Farm. Capitalism was replaced with Socialism. Though really in Russia the Bolshevik party became dictators just as in Animal Farm the pigs ruled the animals. Old Majors speech is similar to Lenins, as they both know the future and what to expect of it e. g. Old Major and his speech of the Rebellion in the future Why, work night and day, body and soul, for the overthrow of the Human race! This is my message to you comrades: Rebellion. He also tells the Animal how to make the Rebellion work. This shows that Old Major, like Lenin wanted freedom for his land and people, but knew that there would have to be a Rebellion for this to take place! After the death of Lenin there was a battle to gain the power of the Communist Russia between two men, Stalin and Trotsky. So in Animal Farm there is a power struggle between two pigs Napoleon and Snowball (the two leading pigs). Orwell chose their names with significant purpose, which also tells about the allegorical role they have in the novel. Napoleon represents the Russian Tyrant Stalin, who comes to dominate the novel. Orwell gave Napoleon his name from the French Emperor, who started a revolution but ended an autocrat. Napoleon became a tyrant like Stalin. The Russian Leader Stalin betrayed his country by setting up a Communist Revolution and then changing it to a place of Liberty and Justice, The tyranny of a one-man state. Snowball is Orwells representation of Trotsky, Stalins enemy. Snowballs name is of symbolic meaning as snow melts away and is no more. Just as Snowball is eventually driven off the farm by Napoleon and never seen again. Napoleon and Snowball played against each other claiming that each other had All equal Rights. Really they were each seeking power for themselves. Stalin promised to strengthen the Soviet economy, strengthen Communism and to strengthen the Soviet Forces. He said this to his people that he was stronger than his enemy Trotsky! Moses was Mr. Jones tame raven, and the pigs third enemy. He represents the Russian Orthodox Church. He was constantly talking about a land called Sugarcandy Mountain a place of freedom and joy that animals will go to after their death. Orwell was suggesting that the Russian church tried to persuade people that after their hard working lives they would go to heaven. The Bolsheviks were atheists and saw such talks as dangerous. Stalin and Trotsky also disagreed. Orwell used the arguments between the pigs to represent this. Snowball believed in Industrial progress (the Windmill idea) and the conversion of the other Farms to Animalism would help them alot in the future stages. We are told that Snowball is a more lively pig than Napoleon. He is also a faster talker and more inventive. We can see this in the early chapters where he throws himself into the Animals Revolt with great energy and imagination. Orwell uses the word Animalism instead of Communism. Snowball seems to be the more interesting of the two leading pigs. It is him who criticises Mollie for her weakness and organises the destruction of Farmer Jones, Farm equipment. The next morning the excited animals run all over the place with their new found Freedom and when they return to the farm house it is only Snowball and Napoleon who are not afraid to enter. The pigs then show themselves to be born leaders and barge their way in. Like Stalin, Napoleon had argued to increase food production and rearming the farm could help them to endure in an attack, which comes later on in the book. He tried to persuade the animals that time wasted on the windmill would mean they would starve to death. Also Snowball and Napoleon disagreed over the defence of the farm after the Battle of the Cowshed. Napoleon said the animals should procure firearms and train themselves to use them. Just like Stalin. But not all Soviets wanted this, so in Chapter 4 when every thing is calm and the Animals where enjoying the liberty of their new country. The Humans attack the Farm hoping for the opportunity to rule once again. This was a comparison to the White Russians in the Soviet when the Politicians fought against each other, but in the book this event is titled The Battle of the Cowshed. This forces a Counterpoise against the Bolsheviks. In Russia the Bolsheviks won and Stalin forced Trotsky into the exile forever. In Animals farm, the comparison is when Snowball is forced to leave the farm as Napoleon starts a rumour about him. So Napoleon too rules on his own as Stalin had done. The Dictatorship of the proletariat was far from happening. Th e rule that all Animals are equal was changing with the dictatorship of Napoleon, and Russia was falling into the hands of Stalin. A terror reign began in Animal Farm over Napoleons three main rules; again this is Orwells comparison to the tree main aspects of Stalins rule. In Russia the million people are killed due to their conspiracies over Stalin and were alleged to be working with Trotsky. Secondly, Napoleons negotiations with Mr. Frederick and Mr Pilkington to trade with the humans. Stalin was signing a Nonagreesion pact with Hitler; Napoleon sold a pile of wood to Mr. Frederick and was paid with counterfeit money. This represents the phoney non-aggression pact signed between Stalin and Hitler. Also Germanys invasion of Russia caused vast destruction. The comparison was Fredericks invasion and destruction of the windmill that the animals had built. Mr Pilkington on the other hand is an old fashioned farmer and represents Britain and directly Winston Churchill. Pilkington refuses to help Napoleon just as Churchill had refused to help Stalin. Then Mr. Frederick invades the Farm. He is very cruel to the animals and represents Hitler; he tortures the animals just as Hitler treated the Jews. Although Mr. Frederick is expelled from the Farm and Hitler too was expelled at the Battle of Stalingrad when he invaded Eastern Europe. The building of the Windmill is the Final Third rule, which was called The Five-year plan by Animal Farm and it was when Russia went through tremendous Labour and enormous suffering just as they did in Animal Farm. As Stalin became increasingly obsessed with his power, so did Napoleon. Napoleon gave himself medals, various titles and when he appears around the farm, he has dogs and other pigs to help him. Even worse as Napoleon and Stalin rise in power they both break one of the Seven Commandments of Animalism and Communist rules, which they had created. In Stalins rise to power he overturns all his original aim, he does this by lying to the world using Propaganda and he shows the grip that he had on the Russian people. In Animal Farm Squealer represents a propaganda agent. When Napoleon starts breaking the Seven Commandments, it is Squealer that manages to keep the opposition silence with his restless, agile and brilliant talking that he can persuade anyone. He shows his devious side and unstable character. He also changes the Seven commandments as Napoleon breaks them, to make sure that his master is always right. When he is confronted by the other animals asked about the changes he tells them they must be mistaken, He uses lies, phoney arguments, threats surrounding himself by the dogs to cause fear. Indeed anything that justifies his master actions. He is indifferent to the truth. Orwell uses Squealers propaganda thoughout Animal Farm to shows the effects of lies and propaganda on the lives of Ordinary Working People. Squealer names imply his corrupt nature. The comparison is shown at the end in the last Chapter when Napoleon is shown conferring with the Humans. The arguments between the Humans and Napoleon show the start of the cold war. George Orwell shows at the end of his book that Stalin betrayed the original principles of communism. As did the hatred between Russia and the West. Animal Farm is a true dipictionial but put into a Fairy Tale Story. The reason that George Orwell used Satire to make his point was because he couldnt speak out publicly against communist Russia. At the time Russia was a powerful country and no one could criticise the communist system. He does this by using his own opinion but with factual evidence to back his claims. He also uses very strong emotive language and passionate tone to try to persuade you. Mr Jones represents the force of corrupt capitalism. He starts drinking more and neglecting the farm. He gets so drunk he does not return to feed the animals. The starving animals kick down the doors and help themselves to the food. Just as the Russian people had done in 1917, when they were forced with starvation. They rise up against the Tsar. What happened in Communist Russia was about to happen on a smaller scale in Animal Farm. The pigs had to work considerably to make the animals aware of the true nature of the revolution, just as the Bolsheviks in the Russia. The pigs failed to persuade Mollie that the Rebellion would be to her advantage. As the Bolsheviks had also failed to convert the White Russians. Mollie is the first animal to side with humans; shes a sympathetic to Capitalists. When the animals invaded the farmhouse they were amazed of the luxury of Mr and Mrs Jones once used to live in. In just the same way as the Bolsheviks were amazed of the wealth they saw when the stormed the Russian Tsar Palace. The pigs were more successful in converting the Animals to Majors reviews. Boxer and Clover became their devoted followers. Boxer represents the ordinary working man. He is the most cruelly betrayed of all the animals in Animal Farm. He was hard working and utterly loyal. His strength was used in the fields and rebuilding the windmill. In the first chapter he is described as a gentle and stupid creature, which makes us even more angry when he is betrayed by his master. He never learns to read, write or think for himself. He had two mottoes, one was Napoleon is always right and the second is I must work harder! and he is the victim of his own blind loyalty. He was the hardest working animal on the farm and the pigs promised him that he would have lavish retirement benefits. But when he works too a hard and finally collapses in chapter 9. Napoleon and Squealer pretend to send him to a nearby Animal Hospital, but infact he is being sold to the knackers yard and the cash is spent on the pigs Whisky. This is the most tragic scene in the whole book. Boxers wife, Clover. Who was also strong, patient and utterly loyal too. She is more intelligent than Boxer and it is her that leads the Animals to the Farm house in Chapter 10, where they see the utter betrayal of Napoleon who is seen playing cards with the humans. Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift is about the exploration of the children of Ireland. It was written to the Politicians of England and Ireland to inform them, that the underprivileged people of Ireland. Who were living on opulent peoples property could hardly afford to pay the outrageous rental payments. The weathly used their money to buy unwanted furniture and garments just to be fashionable. Swifts, idea was to kill the one year olds for food and sell it to the rich or even use the carcass or skin to make gloves or boot for Ladies and Gentlemen. Even the killing of young Lads and Maidens for a replacement to deer and venison. It makes it sound like the second idea seems only cruel. This would help the poor people living in Ireland. He tries to use age, diseased or saying that these people are mained as a reason. He is only sacrificing these people for the nation. By killing the babies he believes that it would decrease the population and homeless making the wealthy even wealthier. Take away all their money problems they have when asking for their rent from their tenants. The poor could gain money by producing babies and selling them to the shopkeepers. Then the shopkeepers could sell these babies for an enormous amount of money to the wealthy. In this process he claims that it benefits the poor. They can pay their rent and buy food. This Story is a ridiculous his idea is, but also he uses it to inform the people of Ireland that they had to do something about how the Government was running the country and how they needed to improve the living conditions. Many Families had half the land of what the English had and had to pay more rent! This was aimed at the Government and the wealthy. This was also aimed at Shopkeepers and absentee Landlords. His ideas and technique of making people appear foolish, vein and idle etc, and to highlight the plight of the indigenous was to inform people how ridiculous they had been. He is claiming that in England the undeveloped people who were living on the rich peoples property paid less for their rental payments and have larger property. So should Ireland, as it too also help benefit the poor in many ways. The opening sentences are very descriptive bad gives the reader a vivid depiction of how bad the situation was. He also uses the Pattern of Three, three times in the first paragraph in the sentences to build up tension. The streets, the roads and the cabin doors crowded with beggars of the female sex. Again he says three, four, or six children all in rags and who as they grow up either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country to fight for the Pretender in Spain, or sell themselves to the Barbados. He cleverly begins a lot of his paragraphs with persuasive sentences to force his own opinions on the reader I think it is agreed, But my intention, As to my own part, There is likewise another great advantage in my scheme etc He uses very emotive words in the opening paragraphs such as crowded, forced, deplorable, scraps, begging, murdering, sacrificing, savage. The reader is left thinking that something must be done to help these people. The Satire in this story is used to inform you (the outside world) that even though his ideas are totally ridiculous, the Irish and the British Government have to do something about the Living Conditions of Ireland! I feel that he couldnt speak out loud because no one would even consider (that is the wealthy) or believe what he is trying to say is the Truth. So by writing such an outrageous story he would be able to gain everyones attention. They could think that Yes he is right and we, as a nation should do something to improve this. With every idea he has, he tries to back it up using rich people, merchants and eminent French physicians, a very knowing American. Trying to make it sound acceptable. In his last paragraph he introduces questions aimed at his audience to get them to think how they are going to solve the problem of food and population and tries to place guilt on the Landlords by suggesting that the poor would think his ideas better than to suffer as they do under the present situation. Even though they are so horrific. Both Authors have researched their claims to make an intellectual story! Both use reference to animals. Orwells is to hide the true peoples identities. Swifts refers to the children as roasting pigs. Swift keeps referring to women as breeders. A word used with animals. Calls them mares in foal, cows in calf, sows ready to farrow. To get their factual evidence across they both have to find their audience e. g. Orwells audience is the everyday people in the world and their Governments. While, Swifts audience is the Government, Landlords and Shopkeepers of Ireland. They both persuade you by using their own opinion and emotive language in their stories. Swifts styles of language was more passionate as he used his opinions and choice of emotive words to arouse emotion. Orwells style of language is more factual than emotional. Orwell uses facts to inform you and Swift uses facts to persuade you. In my opinion Swifts method of persuasion was too extreme but perhaps he thought he needed to do this so that he would be taken notice of. While, Orwells method was very clever and informative to expose the truth of what was happening in Russia. We accept everything Orwell says as the truth. It also makes the reader look at their own political ideas and what we are doing to the world we live in. Swifts last paragraph is trying to say he is objective and having nothing to gain from it: I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavouring, in to promote this nessary work, Orwell seems to be suggesting that all revolutions begin in Idealism and in tyranny. But he thought that all Revolutionaries were swindles and their dreams off freedom soon changed into nightmares. Once all the people were supposed to be equal some became more equal than others did. Nothing really changes after revolutions and everything had been for nothing. In Animal Farm Majors dreams were just like that in which Stalins Russia had become. While Swift is suggesting that Ireland should have a revolution for the better in some sort of way.