Thursday, February 27, 2020

Article Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Article Summary - Essay Example The results of the study showed some correlation between active learning and the student departure process. One encouraging sign was that social integration plays an important role in active learning, and thus the two should be linked. Last week a new president was chosen for the University of Tennessee after much deliberation. The controversy revolved around the final interviews being made available on the Internet. Some people view this open process as unnecessary and in fact harmful to the reputation of the university. The authors of this article investigated numerous states’ sunshine laws, where information must be made public in state sponsored institutions. What was discovered was that there is much confusion around how these laws should be applied and in what circumstances. The recommendation given was that a common ground should be found that permits some information to be made public yet allows privacy on certain occasions. Also, the timing of the release of sensitive information should be done in a slow manner. Thirdly, there must be some closed door meetings that do not require information to be disseminated. Trustees should be informed of important decisions before the information is made availa ble to the public. Sunshine will continue to thrive, but the way in which they are used must be looked

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sensors Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sensors - Assignment Example The most common used standards are J, K, T and E. B, S, R and K are used in steel and iron industries. Thermocouples are suitable for measuring high temperature range applications including kilns, gas turbine exhaust, diesel engines and other industrial applications (Pollock, 1991, p. 215) K thermocouples are appropriate for testing temperatures in processing plants such as petroleum refineries and chemical production plants. They are also appropriate for the tests of heating appliance safety. J thermocouples are appropriate for monitoring temperatures in inert materials and vacuum operations. They get oxidized when used for low temperature applications and thus are suitable for high temperature monitoring processes such as manufacture of resins and plastics N thermocouples offer a wide range of temperature and are stable resisting oxidation making suitable for use in high temperature applications. They are used in furnaces, ovens and kilns. They are also used to monitor temperature in engine exhausts and gas turbines. It is the smallest thermocouple consisting of two pieces of dissimilar wires that are held together through a welded bead. The welded bead is easily corroded or oxidized when used with liquids. It relies on a direct connection to an electrical circuit to accurately measure the temperature. They are small with fast response time making them a suitable choice for measuring gas temperature. Has a wire that is housed inside a metallic tube. The metallic tube serves as a sheath and is made up of materials such as stainless steel and Inconel. Inconel supports a higher temperature range while stainless steel is suitable for a wider range of chemical compositions. The tip of the probe may be grounded, ungrounded or exposed. The grounded tip keeps contact with the sheath to provide quick response time. A layer of